Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

Results for "on the importance"

Why “Always Be Hustling” Is Bad Leadership Advice

Why “Always Be Hustling” Is Bad Leadership Advice

Updated August 2022 In the mid 1990's, a regional communications company launched a billboard advertising campaign that implored people to "Never Stand Still!" The underlying message was that to be successful, you must perpetually be on the go. God forbid you be...

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Supporting a New Leader

Supporting a New Leader

Taking on a new leadership role is always challenging. New responsibilities. New team members. And new roles to play. But today, as organizations are facing the Great Resignation, remote and hybrid work environments, and overall economic uncertainty, the challenges...

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Leading Away From Comfort

Leading Away From Comfort

Updated July 2022 It may surprise you that your job as a leader is to make people uncomfortable. Why? Because people learn, develop, and progress in a zone of discomfort, not comfort. It is in the pursuit of challenges that are hard, scary, and uncomfortable that...

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Put Yourself on the Line: Learning to Take Risks

Put Yourself on the Line: Learning to Take Risks

Before I became an organizational development professional, I was a professional high diver with the U.S. High Diving Team. Every day for seven years, I climbed to the top of a hundred-foot ladder, stood atop a one-foot-by-one-foot perch, and hurled myself off —...

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Keep Your Leadership Ego in Perspective

Keep Your Leadership Ego in Perspective

As you progress in your leadership career and grow in influence, rank, and stature, never lose sight of the fact that you're just a speck in an infinite universe, like every other human being who ever lived. It doesn't matter how much money you make, how many people...

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5 Leadership Lessons from Powerful Women

5 Leadership Lessons from Powerful Women

October is National Women’s Small Business Month, a time for us to reflect on and appreciate the work of women entrepreneurs in this country and all the contributions they’ve made. In the spirit of this important month, let’s dive into some lessons from a few of the...

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