Leadership Two Words At A Time
At some point on their leadership journey, most leaders look back and reflect, “I wish I had known then what I know now.”
Drawing on thirty years of experience developing leaders, author Bill Treasurer catalogues essential leadership truths that all leaders need to know to be most effective. As Treasurer explains, leaders often get in their own way by carrying all the burdens of leadership at once. Conversely, by taking leadership a single two-word concept at a time, the burdens of leadership get lighter, and the act of leading becomes gratifying and joyous. The aim of Leadership Two Words a Time is to develop leaders who are good, ethical, inclusive, and sane!

What two words have had the greatest impact on your leadership journey?
Leadership Two Words at a Time proposes that leadership is hard, but it doesn’t have to be hard to understand. Leadership can be divided into three large emphases: Leading Yourself, Leading Work, and Leading People. Within each of those broad areas, there are some essential things that leaders have to do to maximize their effectiveness, and each of those essentials can be summed up with a two-word title. Here is a small sample from the book…
Know Thyself: The courage to excavate your own history and backstory.
Model Principles: Having a “core” to live and lead by.
Aspire Higher: An unending quest to improve yourself, the work, and everyone you’re responsible for leading.
Gain Control: Self-discipline & self-governance will keep you from becoming overwhelmed.
Practice Humility: Resisting ego-inflation and keeping yourself “in check.
Click here to download the full list of Two Word Essentials from Leadership Two Words at a Time.