Justine Foo

Senior Consultant

Justine FooJustine Foo has an advanced academic background in neuroscience and brings a unique knowledge of how people learn and process information to help clients gain deeper insight into their stakeholders.

After leaving academia in 2001, Justine made the transition to the business world and has since worked with a variety of organizations including large corporations like Pfizer, Georgia Pacific, and Best Buy; nonprofits like the YWCA and National Center for Family Literacy; and academic centers at Harvard, MIT and Purdue Universities.

Her expertise includes visioning and strategic planning, as well as conducting qualitative research to better understand how to engage stakeholders and align that with organizational purpose and strategic efforts – from HR to marketing.

Justine received her B.A. in Psychology from Wake Forest University and her Ph.D. from the Center for Complex Systems & Brain Sciences at Florida Atlantic University. She currently lives in Asheville, North Carolina, with her husband and two children.

Contact: info@giantleapconsulting.com