Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

What Every Leader Should Be Doing

What Every Leader Should Be Doing

Every leader needs a courage zone. When we talk about courageous leadership in our workshops, we talk about the comfort zone. We all have a comfort zone and that is the place where we feel confident and capable. That is also the zone where we are not pushed to learn...

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Fighting Lost Motivation with Goal Setting

Fighting Lost Motivation with Goal Setting

Updated October 2022 Quiet quitting has been a buzzword and a source of much back and forth on social media. As you know from my latest book, Leadership Two Words at a Time, I am all about two-word phrases. But quiet quitting doesn't actually explain the phenomenon...

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Building Trust in 15 Minutes

Building Trust in 15 Minutes

Last month I had the privilege of having Ken Blanchard join me for a webinar in support of my latest book. Ken is a leadership luminary whom I’ve long admired. He is the author or co-author of over sixty books, including the classic, The One Minute Manager,...

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Why Two Words?

Why Two Words?

Over the course of twenty-five years, across thousands of hours, I have coached hundreds of leaders from all ranks. Over time, I noticed that leaders were far more likely to benefit from a coaching conversation, to act on commitments made during those conversations,...

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Terminal Redlining

Terminal Redlining

Redlining (verb): An unsafe, unhealthy, unsustainable condition whereby a leader and/or team are over-worked and under-resourced for unreasonable amounts of time. When Fast Paced Turns into Redlining My company was once hired to develop a leadership program for a...

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Why “Always Be Hustling” Is Bad Leadership Advice

Why “Always Be Hustling” Is Bad Leadership Advice

Updated August 2022 In the mid 1990's, a regional communications company launched a billboard advertising campaign that implored people to "Never Stand Still!" The underlying message was that to be successful, you must perpetually be on the go. God forbid you be...

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The Power of Influence

The Power of Influence

In this excerpt from his upcoming book, Leadership Two Words at a Time: Simple Truths for Leading Complicated People Bill explores the power of influence that leaders hold. Often this influence is simply those around you mimicking your attitudes and behaviors. As a...

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