Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

Results for "leader means"

Lead Simple

Lead Simple

I owe you a big apology. For over twenty years I’ve been an active contributor to the complexification of leadership. I’ve been a card-carrying member of the Legion of Leadership Complexifiers – the LLC. Sure, we’re well-intentioned, but too often our leadership...

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You Don’t Need Evidence For Courage

You Don’t Need Evidence For Courage

Photo Source Over the years I’ve worked with a lot of leaders who prefer that all consequential decisions be “evidence-based.” Such leaders place a premium on data and measurability. But there is a point at which measurability gets in the way. When an organization...

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On Being A Role Model By Leaping First

On Being A Role Model By Leaping First

Many years before founding Giant Leap Consulting, I was a member of the U.S. High Diving Team. Every day I would climb to the top of a hundred-foot high-dive ladder (the equivalent of a ten-story building) and stand atop a one-foot-by-one-foot perch. Then, after a...

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Mixing Business With Pleasure

Mixing Business With Pleasure

One of the unexpected pleasures of starting my business is the great friendships I’ve developed with some of my clients.  Sometimes mixing business with pleasure is the best alchemy for forging a strong relationship. Mike Calihan is the director of training for...

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Leaving Known

Leaving Known

West of Kilkenny, in the hills of Ireland, sits the tiny village of Galmoy, the birthplace of my great-grandmother, whom we called Gandy. While nearly all of the houses from her generation are now gone, the home she grew up in is still there. Down a winding gravel...

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