Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

Results for "feedback"

Fighting Lost Motivation with Goal Setting

Fighting Lost Motivation with Goal Setting

Updated October 2022 Quiet quitting has been a buzzword and a source of much back and forth on social media. As you know from my latest book, Leadership Two Words at a Time, I am all about two-word phrases. But quiet quitting doesn't actually explain the phenomenon...

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Supporting a New Leader

Supporting a New Leader

Taking on a new leadership role is always challenging. New responsibilities. New team members. And new roles to play. But today, as organizations are facing the Great Resignation, remote and hybrid work environments, and overall economic uncertainty, the challenges...

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New Leaders and the Realities of the Leadership Role

New Leaders and the Realities of the Leadership Role

For new leaders, in particular, setbacks are inevitable. In the same way, people without children can’t really know what it’s like to have kids until they do, you can’t really know what it’s like to be a leader until you actually lead. Even organizations that invest...

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Back to Basics: Leading in a Remote and Hybrid Workplace

Back to Basics: Leading in a Remote and Hybrid Workplace

As the effects of the pandemic continue to alter the world and workplace, many organizations have continued to follow a remote and hybrid model for work. Leading in a remote and hybrid workplace is a challenge. The work is face-paced, and the daily interactions we...

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Jump Start your New Year’s Resolutions

Jump Start your New Year’s Resolutions

As the end of the year approaches many people and organizations begin to shift their focus to starting off the new year strong. In 2022 I will eat healthier. Or, in 2022 I will prioritize training in my organization.  Strategic planning and goal setting are always...

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Why Humility Makes You More Successful (and Coachable)

Why Humility Makes You More Successful (and Coachable)

Guest Post by Sean Glaze In his now famous TED Talk from 2013, Bill Gates explained in the first few minutes that his bridge game had improved – along with his executive impact – largely because he had a coach. And he explained that “We all need a coach… we all need...

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