Simplifying Leadership—Seriously!

Simplifying Leadership—Seriously!

Last month I wrote about how hard leadership is. A quick recap on why that is: Total accountability. A leader can’t delegate accountability and/or responsibility to someone else. When you’re in charge, you are on the hook 24/7/365. The boss is the focal point for...
Ready for Change? The New Year is Up to You!

Ready for Change? The New Year is Up to You!

Hey GLC readers! 2019 starts with lots of unknowns and questions. Are you… Going to do the same things and follow the same strategies as last year, or… Going to take some chances and try some things out of the box?   Kinda scary huh, especially if your organization...
Don’t Rest on Last Year’s Laurels

Don’t Rest on Last Year’s Laurels

Hey GLC followers! 2018 is coming to an end, and no doubt many of you are asking yourselves: “Where did the year go?” I know I am, and whenever I do, I can quickly answer that question each time I see a copy of the book, The Leadership Killer: Reclaiming...
Thank YOU!

Thank YOU!

Hey, GLC followers! A big month for Bill and me as our book, The Leadership Killer: Reclaiming Humility in an Age of Arrogance, was officially released on October 30th. The book launch team did an outstanding job and the process has been fun to watch! I recently...