Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

Supporting a New Leader

Supporting a New Leader

Taking on a new leadership role is always challenging. New responsibilities. New team members. And new roles to play. But today, as organizations are facing the Great Resignation, remote and hybrid work environments, and overall economic uncertainty, the challenges...

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Courageous Future Strategic Planning Webinar

Courageous Future Strategic Planning Webinar

Announcing a new webinar opportunity! Few things have the potential to galvanize an organization as much as a bold future. Giant Leap Consulting has been proud to provide a client-centered, skillfully facilitated strategic planning program that helps organizations...

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Courage At The Edge Of Fear

Courage At The Edge Of Fear

As a volunteer with the Junior League of Asheville, I was able to work with a team of women to provide a job and life skills development class for women who are currently living in a homeless shelter. While the sense of crisis for the women has diminished as they are...

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Courage Is Local

Courage Is Local

In every town in America there are mementos that connect the community to courageous heroes from the past. In one town it might be a sacred display honoring fallen veterans. In another it might be a plaque designating the spot where the local hero was born. I’ve...

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Working An Expo & Not Getting Overwhelmed

Working An Expo & Not Getting Overwhelmed

Conferences and expos are a-buzz with energy and often feel like mountain-top experiences. The frequent reality is that coming down from that mountain can result in a lot of nothing. You have spent time and resources on attending and networking, but how is it helping...

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Meet Us In Atlanta

Meet Us In Atlanta

The Giant Leap team is off to Atlanta to enjoy the 2012 Training Magazine Conference and Expo. In 2011, we unveiled our brand new Pfeiffer published facilitator's guide for Courageous Leadership. It was so brand new that we got our first copy of the finished product...

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Intentional Courage

Intentional Courage

You are a courageous person.  I know that because I know that you have done courageous things in your life already.  You were courageous the day your parents dropped you off at summer camp for your first time.  You were courageous as a budding thespian in your high...

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