Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

A Tool Kit for Productive Meetings

A Tool Kit for Productive Meetings

Meetings. Love them or hate them, most of us have them on our schedule. In fact, there is a good chance you have one on your calendar today. In the era of hybrid and remote work, these seem to be happening at an even higher rate in an attempt to maintain communication...

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Courage Dispatch From Tokyo

Courage Dispatch From Tokyo

Greetings from Japan. After an unexpected stay in a UK immigration detention center, the Courage Tour is back on. UK and Zurich will no longer start the tour, and will instead pick up the caboose. Instead, Japan is the launch point. Perhaps starting in Japan makes...

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A Healthy Fear

A Healthy Fear

Working for a courage building company, we spend a lot of time discussing how to get more courage, how to cultivate it in one’s self and others, as well as the negative aspects of instilling fear. As fear is an antonym of courage, I decided to explore it further....

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What are You Looking At?

What are You Looking At?

“Get this straight; I don’t want you to even think about going near that rock.” These words, a final bit of coaching advice, were said to me just as I got ready to paddle over Nanny Falls, the culminating rapid on the Nantahala River. It takes a few excursions before...

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Leaving Known

Leaving Known

West of Kilkenny, in the hills of Ireland, sits the tiny village of Galmoy, the birthplace of my great-grandmother, whom we called Gandy. While nearly all of the houses from her generation are now gone, the home she grew up in is still there. Down a winding gravel...

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Courageous Unlearning

Courageous Unlearning

Kids need to grow up. So parents patiently guide and coach their children to behave in ways that honor their individuality and spirit. Or not. When dealing with a back-talking, ever-whining, emotion-manipulating kid, patience walks out the door and parental control...

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Looking Back For Forward Courage

Looking Back For Forward Courage

Back in the 90s, and even today, when setting goals senior executives retread the same advice, “Begin with the end in mind!” It helps that they are grounding their advice on sound management principles, first proffered by Dr. Stephen Covey in his über-selling book,...

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