Living The Life Of A Filler

Living The Life Of A Filler

I can’t get enough of the human-interest stories that news programs produce. I think they are fascinating. These stories provide a glimpse into real lives, and they demonstrate the truth that every person has a story worth telling. Thanks to the Today Show, I got to...
Building Workplace Courage

Building Workplace Courage

Inside and outside of work, these are fearful times. Over the last few years, the world has suffered through an unusual amount of anxiety-provoking situations, including the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous wars, the toppling of governments, multiple natural disasters, and...
How To Train For Courage

How To Train For Courage

Courage can be transformative. BUT how do you train for courage? Now that’s a good question. We’ve talked now about the transformative potential of courage, both to your people and to your organization. But how do you unlock that potential? Let’s dive into that. I’ve...
Dealing With A Chronic Spiller

Dealing With A Chronic Spiller

In our work, we talk about two different types of leadership dispositions: the Filler and the Spiller. A Filler Leader is the type of leader who encourages others, builds up their confidence, and works hard to role model what they want from those they lead. A Spiller...