Building Workplace Courage

Building Workplace Courage

Inside and outside of work, these are fearful times. Over the last few years, the world has suffered through an unusual amount of anxiety-provoking situations, including the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous wars, the toppling of governments, multiple natural disasters, and...
Building Trust in 15 Minutes

Building Trust in 15 Minutes

Last month I had the privilege of having Ken Blanchard join me for a webinar in support of my latest book. Ken is a leadership luminary whom I’ve long admired. He is the author or co-author of over sixty books, including the classic, The One Minute Manager,...
The Impact of Organizational Culture

The Impact of Organizational Culture

Webster’s dictionary defines the word culture as the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thought, speech, action, and artifacts and depends on man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. Dr. Stephen Covey,...
Team Building in a Remote or Hybrid Office

Team Building in a Remote or Hybrid Office

The pandemic has forced a change in the way we work, as well as the where we work. As many organizations return to work, many more are reminding remote, or exploring creating a hybrid office. This environment has a percentage of employees working from home at least...