The Courage to Be Courageous

The Courage to Be Courageous

I once coached a professional named Bob who was considering three separate job offers. All were well-known companies, but one was of particular renown. Its name carried a certain pedigree that eclipsed the others. Bob had settled his mind on one of the lesser offers,...
Three Buckets Of Courage

Three Buckets Of Courage

Updated June 2020 Courage involves behavior. Like all behaviors, courage can be developed, encouraged, and reinforced. While a lot of writers have focused on the realms in which courage is applied, e.g. moral courage, military courage, and political courage, I think...
You Still Have a Job to Do!

You Still Have a Job to Do!

So, so much has happened since my last blog in February. We’ve experienced a worldwide pandemic declaration, “stay at home” directives, social distancing, work stoppages/shutdowns, furloughs, virtual classrooms and workspaces, incessant doom/gloom reporting on all...
Do You Know Why You Need a Strategic Plan?

Do You Know Why You Need a Strategic Plan?

To communicate company goals internally and externally, your business must have a strategic plan. But why?  Say your 2020 objective is to increase revenue by 20%, but you don’t tell anyone. How can you reasonably expect to achieve that goal? Don’t carry the burden of...